During the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown in Melbourne in 2020 I was delighted to take part in an online exhibition titled 5km Radius at Magnet Galleries. This exhibition can still be enjoyed in virtual gallery five at Magnet https://magnet.org.au/gallery/5km-radius/
Due to the global pandemic Melbourne is again experiencing restrictions.
Photographs of life in lockdown are a great cultural record of the pandemic.
I responded to a callout by Monash Gallery of Art for a photo of personal experience of lockdown and I am delighted that my submission was successful.
During Lockdown in 2020 I spent much time in my garden watching wildlife. I observed birds, studied their behaviour and took photographs. Processing my images was another endeavour that gave me pleasure while staying home.
All photographs of STAGES: Life in lockdown are now online https://www.stages.mga.org.au/life-in-lockdown
When restrictions are lifted and gallery doors open again visitors will be able to view the printed photographs on Monash Gallery of Art's Atrium gallery walls. Until then enjoy the images online.